Welcome to My Elementary Special Education Blog

This site is for students and parents to access information regarding assignments, lessons, and extra work outside of the classroom.

Students will find information on lessons and assignments we are doing in class that they may have missed and resources for extra help, as well as a calender of events for the upcoming months.

Parents can stay up to date with what the students are participating in in the classroom and additional practice for them outside of the classroom. Also a calender of events and volunteer information is available.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Follow the link below to my online Podcast!


To read about benefits on podcasts in the classroom visit one of the links to an online article listed, located in the "Assignments" tab to the left of the page at the link below.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Benefits of Blogging

Below is a link to an article about the benefits of blogging in the education field and classroom settings, for both students, parents, and educators.

The article states that blogs:

motivate students, and provide an excellent opportunity for students to work with technology for learning. Blogs are also effective ways to collaborate and communicate with students and parents outside of the classroom.

Students can also create online blog portfolios where they can submit work done on the computer. This helps motivate students to perform better knowing their work is being published.

As technology is constantly advancing, blogging is just one of the many benefits we can use in the classroom to enhance student performance and communication.

Link to Article: http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/blog-basics